Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Within this life experience, I have been gifted with the infinite gifts of illnesses, diseases and syndromes that conventional medicine has diagnosed the physical body of which my soul resides in with. These have included: A heart murmur at birth, continuous strep throat infections (which resulted in the tonsils being removed in one of the NTHE, Near Transitional Home Experiences that I experienced), mononucleosis as a teenager, asthma (with an attack so severe I experienced another NTHE while pregnant with our second son Matthew due to lack of oxygen), bronchitis, allergies to what the physical body was classified with as being allergic to everything under the sun also resulting in nasal and sinus issues and the having of the nose cauterized, two knee surgeries on the right knee, one tubal pregnancy (right tube) and three other miscarriages, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), fibrocystic breasts, a ruptured ovarian cyst. endometriosis, kidney stones (with 2 lithotripsys for this), continuous kidney and bladder infections, liver and gallbladder issues with gallstones having the gallbladder removed in September 2005 during which I experienced another NTHE, and being diagnosed by conventional medicine with lupus both forms with the rashes and attacks of the major organs and so on (which conventional medicine says is the cumulative diagnosis for all of these illnesses, diseases, and syndromes that they originally diagnosed the physical body with) and a rare blood disorder in which the physical body clots on the inside (which conventional medicine tells me that is what they believe causes the endometriosis) and bleeds profusely on the outside when the body receives a cut (thus two being as one), both of which are fatal they say. In addition in this life, the physical body of which my soul resides in has experienced two herniated discs in the back, carpal tunnel in the arms and hands, numerous severe ankle sprains, a benign breast cyst, a bone spur on the bottom of the left heal, an injury to the head by a golf club, and a severely sprained right wrist from playing volleyball.

In total, I have died ten times thus far in this life experience. Nine of those have occurred through various surgeries, medical procedures, and a severe asthma attack. Each physical body surgery procedure I have experienced has induced some form of what is known on this earth dimension as flat lining or physical body death. I have come to see these transformations for the gifts that they are. I know that I have chosen each of these events to impart infinite spiritual messages of soul rememberings of who I am choosing to be within each moment while here playing this game called LIFE (living infinitely from experience). I am the soul I am in this moment because of these life experiences. These transformative life experiences have brought me to learnings and soul rememberings that have brought me to a place of peace and learnings through research and degree studies. So this wisdom that I share comes both from personal physical and spiritual experience and research.

As these learnings and rememberings are all one, I have come to remember, embrace, and treasure the infinite paths that bring us into peace here on this earth. I have embraced the studies of the shamanic path in its connection to our spiritual path through several spiritual mentors. I have collaborated with other mentors and within what are considered here on this earth dimension as a self-learner, to learn of vibrational healing medicine, of aromatherapy, of herbology, and a plethora of soul rememberings and earth dimensional learning modalities. It was while studying for the master's degree in vibrational medicine and the learning about herbology that I was gifted with the amazing wisdom that is written.

The Physical Body Basis for Diseases, Illnesses, Syndromes, and Disorders

There are several physical reasons for diseases, illnesses, syndromes, and disorders. One of them relates to food and water. The physical body and spiritual soul can if we so choose, live on our respiration, our breath. The other component that the spiritual soul and physical body can choose to live on is that of water. These two items together (two being as one) along with sea salts, is what can sustain us within this life experience if we choose. The physical body is made of 90% water. Water is a natural antihistamine and natural diuretic. Why do we need to replace fluids excreted from the body by drinking plenty of water? This is because approximately three pints of water per earth dimensional day are excreted through the kidneys, approximately one pint of water per earth dimensional day is excreted through the skin in perspiration, and another yet another pint is expelled through respiration. As such, the organs, everything within the physical is water or has a component of water within it. Also, spiritually speaking our spirits, our souls are made of a crystalline like substance that is water.

Respiration and water are in infinite supply and are always, in all ways, with us and within us. The molecules and atoms of everything and anything are components of water and air. I invite you to place our hands and move them slowly in a fluidity of motion around the air in the room. As we do this physical motion, we are moving through molecules of water and air. Utilizing our breath and the water that surrounds us is about absorbing nutrients from the air the physical body breathes and the molecules of water absorbed through the fluidity of our movements as physical human forms. Nutrients we absorb from the air and water through the skin, the eyes, the hair all have the ability to nourish and center the physical body of which our soul resides within. As a physical being we incarnate with and within air and water.

The utilizing of the breath of LIFE (living infinitely from experience) and of water, two being as one, is accomplished through a rewiring of the physical biochemistry, the rewiring of the thoughtenergy axioms that we all choose to illusionarily hold onto as so to be free from every questioning, free from ever exploring any other of the infinite possibilities. As physical beings, we consist of air and water. Imagine the physical body as a plant. Plants absorb moisture and nutrients from sunlight, air, and water. To rewire the physical body to be as a plant, we are invited to shift the axioms of who we believe we are to the inner wisdom that water and the air we breathe can sustain us. Within coming into a resonance of living off of our breath and of water comes with the physical praxis that we are until we believe, see, feel, and be that we are. As with anything that the human physical form chooses to be habitual form with, it takes the illusion of earth dimensional time for the physical body brain to resonate within a shifting paradigm, because as physical human forms we use praxis to shift the physical body into resonance with that the soul already knows we ARE - a revolving experience of. If we are to be within choosing to live from breath and water, then we are invited to choose to slowly reduce the amount of food we choose to eat as we feel intuitively ready to, while being in praxis of the thoughtenergy within our thoughts, within our living that the air we breath and the water we drink is infinitely enough to sustain our life and that we are infinitely full from the nutrients we take in from the air we breathe and the water we drink. That anything, everything, and all we ever need to sustain us is within these things.

This is something that I am in current praxis (or practice) with and discovering that I am eating what is called within earth dimensional amounts is less and less food. This is why when we come closer to the shifting from the physical body into spiritual soul being (or dying as we call it) that we tend to eat less food and rely upon the air we breathe and the water we drink to sustain the physical body that the soul resides in. The air in our respiration, bringing us in a constant resonance of being in spirit and being connected to, for, of, and with and the water that we drink and absorb within all that surround us, then is our food.

Resonance With All That We Drink and Eat

Until such a moment as we choose this path of water and the breath of Life as One to be an infinite possibility, we can choose to sustain the physical body within the combination of food and water. The media and conventional medicine doctors are always saying drink water. There is something to this and here is why. Many of us are unconscious to that the physical body is in a constant state of dehydration. This is why we see the illusions of what we call here as being overweight, illnesses such as Asthma, sinus issues, ADD (as a person who is gifted with the earth name of ADD or ADHD are within a resonance of an alternative dimensional download and of alternative dimensional heartbeat download, as in these souls dial into the heartbeat of the universe of infinite dimensions, infinite universes, and infinite parallel universes, including this earth dimension to bring forth and gift us with the infinite wisdom of the universe), cancer, and the plethora of names for diseases, illnesses, disorders, and syndromes. Suffering occurs and is associated with dehydration of the physical body.

This is also too why we age so rapidly and produce within the body of age-related diseases such as: osteoarthritis, wrinkles, high blood pressure, and infinitely other what we call as age-related diseases. These are free from being age-related as they are really dehydration-related manifestations. We can live to be quite an old age and be free from diseases if we are to drink an infinite supply of what the physical body is asking for in water and take in sea salts. Thereby, this is what is known here on this earth dimension as the secret fountain of youth. The fountain of youth is free from being discovered within this earth dimension's ideas of a bottle of age defying makeup or some diet or pills, but through a way of being that we all have been looking for. The ego self of the soul believes that the fountain of youth as something to be discovered, and is to be discovered "out there", that we must search for it. However, we are free from having to "search for it" or having to "discover it out there" as it is already and always, always ready and in all ways, with us and within us. This is why we see souls on this earth appear to be ageless or living within the physical body for many earth dimensional years, as these souls have embraced the fountain of youth in that although this earth's concept of time seems to move fast or at the same pace, these souls experience a slowing of movement as they have stepped into spiritual oneness multi dimensionality and because of the water, sea salts, and shifting of who they are to bring about peace, absoulute love, and bliss within their lives.

Now I say this free from the idea that we are in this physical body is going to live forever, or that we will in our "older years" be free from the concept known as pain; as clearly these things are possible for the machine called physical body may at some moment be physically worn and this is when we will transform like that of a butterfly. However, we can prosper within vitality and Infinite Well BEing as the physical body earth dimensionally ages, simply from drinking of the source of that of which we are water.

The reason for this occurring is that, during the process of dehydration, the physical body takes what is known as desperate measures to conserve water. Part of dehydration also involves the release of histamine which is critical to activate and maintain other systems of the physical body which are designed to save body water. These systems keep water in the body even if the body is free from any presence of water that we have yet to ingest. If the body is free from receiving water being ingested by us physically, it will then utilize the water that is within the organs and systems of the body to keep itself replenished. The body will seek to drawn from any stored up urine and feces that has yet to be expelled initially and then the body will continue by obtaining water for hydration from the liver, gallbladder, heart, and any other organ it can extract water from to ensure the physical body's survival. As water is being depleted and excreted through when we urinate and defecate, if we continue to replace these fluids with something other than water, a state of continuous dehydration in the physical body occurs. This is the cause then of what we call as symptoms associated with what are known on this earth dimension as diseases, illnesses, disorders, and syndromes.

The amount of water we drink in relation to the food that we eat that creates the physical manifestation of what we call a "clogged physical body system". Water flushes out the food we eat and is cleansing the physical body in an infinite cyclical process. Up to fifty percent of the water that we drink each earth dimension day is needed is due the digestion of and processing of food we are eating. Thus if we are drinking this earth dimension's amount of more juice, coffee, soda and so on than water and/or eating more than the body has of water within it, the physical body is then in a resonance of chronic dehydration. If a soul chooses to be free from eating or eats small amounts of food daily living off of water, sunlight, spiritual light, and air, then less water may be needed as one is free from needing as much water for physical digestion.

The reason that on this earth dimension we call the food and drink we absorb as toxins within the physical body is simply that believe they are toxins or toxic. For as much as many souls, including conventional medicine, are in axiom with that food and drink themselves are toxic or are toxins, the food and drink we take within us is free from being toxic themselves, it is simply that because when we incarnate we come into this earth with water, air, and spiritual light as our sources of nourishment as this is who we are. When we are physically born in this manner this is what the pure essence is of who we are as a soul in physical form. We receive nourishment through our mother's womb which consists of water that is extracted from within our mother's physical body as the water from within the physical body when it is completely hydrated sustains the baby's physical body and soul. If a mother is free from being completely hydrated, the baby will use water from other sources in the mother's physical body, as well as, what is extracted from the food and drink the mother ingests, to nourish itself. This is why when a mother soul is pregnant, we believe that she requires more food to feed the growing life inside her during gestation, when it is really water and that of sea salts that the physical body is asking the mother to drink to sustain the child and the possible water and oxygen within the food that she eats to be extracted to sustain the child. Therefore, it is the water and the oxygen that the baby needs rather than the substance of the food itself. For the mother morning sickness is the very first sign of dehydration in the mother and the baby, brought about by the water regulatory action of histamine.

Thus, when we take within the physical being that which is something other than what we emanate from, that being of water, air, and spiritual light, it is the left over remnants after excreting this water, air, and spiritual light from this left over remnant matter of what we call here on this earth as food, that is the perceived toxins of which is to be flushed out. Therefore, the food itself if free from being good or bad, right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, good for you or bad for you, toxic or nontoxic. It is simply remnants to be flushed out once the physical body has extracted all it chooses to for nourishment.

Since the physical body is comprised of ninety percent water, then this is what the physical body is inviting of us to drink to sustain it. Conventional medicine says that eight to ten, 8 ounce glasses of water is what will assist the fluidity of the physical body to sustain itself. If we are physically active this can be more. By drinking half of the physical body's weight of water in ounces each earth dimension day is really what the physical body is asking us for to keep it adequately hydrated. An example of this would be if we weigh 150 pounds then 150 lbs would equal 75 ozs. of water daily. Divide that into 8 oz. glasses and this then is how many glasses we are being invited by the physical body to drink, daily. In addition to this daily amount of water to keep the physical body hydrated, then add double the amount of water for every 8 oz. glass that we choose to drink of juice, coffee, soda, tea etc. An example of this would be if we drink an 8 oz. can of soda, then we would drink 16 ozs. of water, in addition to the daily water intake for the physical body's hydration of half the amount of the physical body's weight, to adequately flush the food out of the physical body and also hydrate the body in the process. If eating food, add double the water for every ounce of food consumed, in addition to the daily water intake for the physical body's hydration of half the amount of the physical body's weight, to adequately flush the food out of the physical body and also hydrate the body in the process. An example of this would be if we choose to eat a 12 oz steak, then we would need 24 ozs. of water to adequately flush the food out of the physical body and also hydrate the body in the process. It can then take up to thirty-two ounces of water to completely flush out of the physical body that eight ounces of soda, juice, coffee, other sugary drink, or food eaten.

Within water being our primary source of replenishment, if we choosing to drink juice, soda or other sugary drinks that are comprised more of sugar than of water, we are then physically depriving the physical body that our soul resides within a basic component for its physical survival. I know for me personally, when what conventional medicine calls a headache is within the physical body that my soul resides in, to me that is a signal that I am being invited to drink water and breath in deeply. Upon doing so the conventional medicine name called a headache is free from being. This is because I take a moment to be in tuned with the physical body to know that it was inviting me to drink water and breathe deeply as this is the message that came through upon going within. To be continued in part two.

Dr. Patti “Diamondlady” Diamond, DD, is a universally celebrated author, speaker, and spiritual mentor within the resonance of Spiritual Oneness. She is currently the author of two books, “Life Long Learning - Transforming Learning; Discovering Learning Through Living Life in Unlimitless Possibilities” and “Stepping Into Spiritual Oneness - Spiritual Rememberings of the Soul Through Life Experience”; and has appeared on various radio shows and within articles of international publications. She is also the Director of The Diamondlady International Spiritual Oneness Center. The Center is a Multi-Dimensional and trans-denominational spiritual community whose doors are open to all souls to assist souls with spirituality, personal transformation, the remembering of the Spiritual Oneness Light we all are and for all souls who desire to be in selfless service to all souls of the Universe. Patti’s gift to all souls is to illuminate the Spiritual Oneness Infinite Light BEing that she is so that we all may remember, treasure, and embrace the Spiritual Oneness Infinite Light BEing that we are.


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