Friday, June 7, 2013

Having instantly available hot water at the fixture when you reach for the faucet saves you not only time, but water as well. You don't have to stand there running water down the drain while you wait.

Lots of folks have fixtures so far away from the water heater that they turn on the hot water and go do something else instead of standing there waiting. When they return the water is hot. That means they have been running hot water down the drain. The energy to heat water is much more expensive than the water itself. This is a huge waste of energy and contributes to the emission of green house gases as well. An instant hot water system eliminates this waste of course.

Instant hot water systems can even result in cleaner dishes! The leading cause of dishwasher problems is that the water often is not hot enough to completely dissolve the dishwashing detergent. By insuring your dishwasher gets hot water you will have sparkling clean dishes.

There are a number of "instant" or "fast" hot water pumping/distribution systems on the market, and it's important to choose the right system for your particular application. Some use pumps, some rely on thermo-siphoning, and not all systems will work will all types of water heaters.

Some of these systems manufactured by Laing, RedyTemp, and others place a pump and valve combination at the fixture furthest from the water heater. The system pumps the hot water in a big loop, out of the water heater to the fixture, through the pump, through the cold water piping back to the water heater. The pumps have very slow pumping rates. When the valve between the hot and cold water lines detects hot water it closes. This keeps the water at the valve at about 95 degrees.

The problem with this type of system is that it is really a "luke-warm" system. Ninety five degrees is below the human body temperature so it actually feels like cool water. Since you are not starting with cold water and the pipe is full of luke-warm water, it won't take quite as long for the hot water to reach the fixture, but it certainly is not instant hot water!

The pumping system is cycling on and off constantly all day long, and so it keeps the piping (both hot and cold) full of warmer than ambient temperature water. This makes the water heater work harder, and uses significantly more energy than a standard plumbing system. The pumps run for long periods too, so add that energy into the mix.

These systems will not work with tankless water heaters. Tankless water heaters require usually 1/2 gallon per minute or more to being flowing through the heater before it will turn on. The Laing and RedyTemp systems don't pump enough water to turn on the heaters.

Another type of system puts the pump at the water heater and a valve at the fixture furthest from the water heater. The pump creates a pressure difference between the hot and cold lines, and so when the valves under the sink open the water flows through into the cold water lines and back to the water heater inlet. The valves are temperature controlled and close when they detect that 95 degree water. The Grundfos system allows the placement of more than one valve, even one for every fixture if so desired. Watts makes a similar system but you only get to use one valve at one fixture. These types of systems often include a clock timer with them so you can shut them off when you aren't going to use them. It can be a pain when the power goes off and the clock gets screwed up.

Like the previous systems, these systems also keep the hot and cold water lines full of warm water and thus waste tremendous amounts of energy. As with the previously mentioned pumps, these systems can not be used with tankless water heaters for the same reasons.

If saving water and being energy efficient are important to you then you will want to examine "Demand" hot water systems. Demand systems deliver hot water rapidly to the fixtures upon demand. When you want hot water you push a button, and the hot water is pumped at high speed to the fixture. When the hot water reaches the fixture the pump shuts off keeping hot water out of the cold water pipes. Now you have instant hot water, nothing was run down the drain, and you didn't waste any heat energy keeping the pipes hot all the time.

Metlund makes a system called a D'mand system with a number of models. They range in price from a little over $330.00 to over $500, and have a number of accessories like using motion detectors to turn on the pump. Metlund's largest D'mand system will run most tankless water heaters.

Chilipepper Sales has a demand system called the Chilipepper Appliance. The Chilipepper Appliance has the most powerful pump on the market, and will work with any tankless water heater. It will in fact work with any storage type water heater as well. The Chilipepper is the least expensive of the systems at $180.00. Since demand systems only run for a few seconds each time they are used, they use very little electricity. Typical systems use about $1.00 - $2.00 per year in electricity for the pump.

One of the best things about having a demand hot water system is that whenever you use hot water, and you push the button to start the pump, you will feel so darned good about not running all that water down the drain.

For more information about instant hot water systems and tankless water heaters, visit: Water Heater Information []

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I imagine that you & I share the same desires for Good Health, Longevity, Vitality, Well-Being, Vibrancy, remaining Beautiful/Handsome (or getting that way!), and to slow down the effects of the chemistry behind the aging process!

In Asia, this energized water is known as Anti Aging water, simply because it possesses the ability to flush out waste and toxins our bodies produce at the cellular level in the respiration process, which involves oxidation, to produce Life and Energy.

The absolute best home water filter and water ionizer for your home & family creates these optimum conditions and makes it possible to also maintain optimum cell hydration, which retards the dying process of our bodily cells--the process which also causes aging, including wrinkles and diminished mobility.

How do we accomplish all this?

We simply reduce the size of water clusters at the molecular level, which then allows this water to flow throughout the body 50% faster, making for rapid transportation of nutrients to all of the cells in our bodies, optimum hydration of all of those cells, and rapid removal of the waste that our bodies produce. Definition of Aging: "failure to remove the gradual accumulation of body waste and toxins." We age prematurely simply because we fail to keep our body's alkaline and our organs flushed of acid, waste, etc. Alkaline-Electron-Ion-Energized Water offers a most effective solution worthy of serious consideration!


Municipal tap water contains an ample supply of acid minerals and alkaline minerals. If this water is too acidic, it will leach out lead from soldered pipe joints. Lead is a poisonous very toxic metal. So they generally add limestone (carbonate of calcium) in order to neutralize it (i.e. - make it alkaline). Usually, city-supplied tap water contains more alkaline minerals than the water from most private wells.

The common alkaline minerals found in tap water are calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. The most common acidic type minerals are chlorine, sulphur and phosphorus. They are the same minerals found in our foods. Water receives its minerals from the soil, the same root source of all our food. So, it's not surprising that these same inorganic (elemental) minerals are found in water. However, elemental type minerals are of no benefit to our bodies because the human body requires minerals in refined (ionic) form such as is derived via plant or animal sources. Plants process elemental minerals into ionic type minerals, and all these various plant species are then in turn consumed by humans or animals, or both - the key word to remember is 'ionic mineral'.

What the heck is pH anyway?

Perhaps we've all heard of pH from our science classes way back when. Essentially, pH (Potential of Hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Acidic elements have a pH below 7, while base (alkaline) products have a pH higher than 7. A neutral pH is 7.

Anything you put into your body that's lower than the 7.0 neutral pH level is considered acidic and has an OXIDIZING or RUSTING EFFECT ON YOUR BODY. That list includes Soda (2.5pH), Beer (3.3 pH), and even Reverse Osmosis Filtered Water (5.0 pH)! Anything you put into your body with a pH level above 7.0 has both ANTI-AGING and ANTI-OXIDIZING (CLEANSING) EFFECTS on your body. That list includes Fresh Fruits & Vegetables and Ionized Water from the best home water filter & top water Ionizer for YOUR home & family on the market today.

Internal neutral pH is the key to balance. The goal of the human body is to reach and maintain a state of equilibrium (a neutral pH). Due to the fact that a majority of the foods and drinks we take in are acidic, our bodies are constantly working to neutralize their environment with alkaline forming elements.


This Water Ionizer has two water chambers: one with positive electrode, the other a negative electrode. The negative electrode attracts positive (alkaline) minerals to its chamber, while the positive electrode attracts negative (acidic) minerals, to its chamber. The water entering the ionizer has both minerals mixed together, but by the time the ionization process is complete, one chamber has nothing but alkaline range minerals and the other chamber contains only acidic type minerals.

The Water Ionization Process Simplified

The two chambers are separated by a special membrane with very tiny holes so small that water molecules (usually in structured clusters under an electric field) cannot pass through, but large enough for the ionized inorganic minerals to go through. Ionization occurs as water flows through the ionizer. The ionizer does not add any chemicals or minerals to the water. It only separates the minerals already in the water to the alkaline side, or to the acidic side. If water has no minerals, the ionizer can't make alkaline or acidic water.

The History of this Revolutionary Water Filter & Water Ionizer

The water ionization system originated in Japan about 30 years ago. In some parts of the world, the average human lifespan is 100+ years and those people remain in excellent overall health for most of their long lives. To a large degree, this is a result of consuming alkalized water. The KYK Genesis Water Ionizer was created to emulate the natural condition of water in an icy stream, rolling from a mountain top. Water in this pristine state is the alkaline ionized water, which offers beneficial internal pH balance for your overall better health and well-being.

Why Alkaline Water?

Scientists in Japan and throughout Asia are continuously studying, researching and testing the effects of alkaline water on the human body. They have found that alkaline water neutralizes the acidity produced internally as a result of daily stress, poor diet and excessive exercise. Since most of the foods we eat create acid waste, it is important to drink alkaline water in order to maintain a healthier, balanced life.

Not only does drinking alkaline water as part of a regular daily regimen aid in cleansing the body of acidic waste, but scientists have found that this water has a positive effect upon the health of patients suffering from certain severe illnesses.

As an added benefit, alkaline water is also a powerful antioxidant. Destructive free radicals often attack our healthy cells. Those free radicals cause our cells to break down. Antioxidants protect our cells from free radicals. Alkaline ionized water takes the process one step further. It actually seeks out free radicals and converts free radicals them into necessary oxygen which your body can use before they have a chance to damage our healthy cells.

The absolute best home water filter & top water Ionizer for YOUR home & family on the market today is the KYK GENESIS WATER IONIZER.

What's unique about the KYK Genesis Water Ionization System is that you get 2 products in 1: You get a WATER IONIZER plus a WATER FILTER. Although water ionization has its skeptics, the product is actually a high-quality water filter as well that provides you with numerous health benefits, including greater energy, better oxygen intake and improved digestion. Plus, it's a superior water filtration system that removes 99.99% of all drinking water pollutants & contaminants, measures water intake, senses the pH balance of drinking water, can handle 7,000 liters of water over 9 months on a single filter, and has a 5-year warranty on parts & labor, which makes it virtually RISK-FREE for you.

So, there you have it! That's Why You Need the Absolute BEST HOME WATER FILTER & #1 WATER IONIZER For YOUR Home & Family on the market today...

In order to learn as much as you want to know about how a high quality top-rated water ionizer and water filter can improve your health & well-being and slow down your aging process, and to find out where you can try it out 100% RISK-FREE, just visit...
Have you taken a look at the label on your ever-present bottle of spring water lately? It probably says something like "mountain spring water". Now, take a close look the the full color drawing that also graces the label, in this case, a bottle of Arrowhead spring water. (If it isn't Arrowhead in your area, it will be Ozarka or Deer Park, Ice Mountain or Poland Spring, as all are owned by Nestle Waters.)

Isn't that a peaceful scene? A beautiful blue sky with fluffy white clouds, lush evergreen trees, and a silver-blue mountain with a stream of clear, cold water bubbling out of it. I'm assuming that the spring the water comes from is somewhere around that virtual stream.

All bottled spring waters seem to show mountains and lovely scenery, along with clear spring water. These pictures are there for a reason. The companies are trying to create an image in your mind about spring water coming from a lovely, pristine mountain, when in reality, it comes from a hole in the ground.

That's not to say that spring water isn't good to drink, because it certainly is - at least it is better than tap water! But it is only fair that you know exactly where it comes from. It doesn't come from a remote mountain spring in a picturesque setting like the advertisements would have you believe. When a spring source is located by a water company, a new bottling plant is built there at the source of the water. This is supposed to help keep down any contamination of the water, but it doesn't prevent it from happening.

Contamination in spring water is something not too many people know about. Perhaps they are too busy putting down their chosen bottled water's nemesis, which is purified water. We'll get back to the contamination problem in a moment, but for now, let's see just what purified bottled water is.

Purified water is sold as just plain old bottled water. Often, this water is municipal or tap water which has been treated with either reverse osmosis, distillation, or deionization in order to remove any bacteria or dissolved solids. This additional processing, in addition to what the municipality's water department has already done to process and cleanse the water, still allows the water to retain some of its natural flavor, and it is for this reason that many people prefer it over spring water. It's estimated that 25 percent of all bottled water comes from a city/municipal supply.

When you purchase bottled spring water, you are expecting a product that is a little different than purified municipal water. You're led to believe that spring water is superior, and the labels on this water generally do all they can to nurture your belief with those pictures we spoke of earlier. But, these labels are deceiving. Recently, two big-name brands of what was supposedly spring water were called to task for advertising what had been found to be municipal water as spring water! Their labels have been changed to reflect this, but many people were fooled for a long time.

The only way a bottled water can be labeled as spring water is if it comes from a spring. Now, you probably read that and thought, "Well, of course!" But the whole problem is that spring! Spring water has to flow out naturally to the earth's surface from a source that is underneath the ground. The water has to be gotten directly from this spring, or from a "Bore hole" which has to be as close as possible to the spot where the water naturally comes out. If a pump is used to get the water out, or any machine that uses force from the outside of the spring, then the water that is pumped out has to be exactly like the water that is naturally flowing out as far as composition and quality go.

Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, that bore hole can easily become contaminated, as can the spot where the spring comes out of the ground. And, since the Food and Drug Administration's rules allow bottled spring water to have some forms of contamination, there is not a whole lot that can be done. These contaminants include E.coli or fecal coliform, which are two bacterias that point to fecal matter inclusion in the water. Tap water rules prohibit any contamination with these bacteria. Since purified bottle water is made from tap water, it stands to reason that this type of bottled water would be much safer and better tasting than spring water.

Bottled water is not required to be tested for the parasites known as cryptosporidium and giardia. Cryptosporidium is a type of protozoan that can cause diarrhea. In healthy people, the infection it causes does not last too long, but in children and people with a compromised immune system, it can become quite severe and refuse all medical attempts to stop it.

Giardia is often found in unsafe water. In fact, water is the main source of this infection.

Giardia can cause a person to bloat, be nauseated, have watery diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. You can also lose up to ten percent of your body weight when infected with this parasite. It takes from two to six weeks for the infection to improve, but has been known to become chronic giardia and last for months and years.

The potential for bottled spring water to have contaminants and parasites, or both, is small, but it is there. Purified water is much safer for you and your family if you are at all worried about the cleanliness of the water you drink.

Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Board of Element H2O. For more information about bottled water, purified drinking water go to the Elementh2o website.
Health begins with water. Since the body is made mostly of water (about 70%), all body functions are dependent on water. I guess you could call water a universal solvent. Most nutrients with the exception of fats are dissolved in water, transported in the water-based blood system and used by water-filled cells. And, because the cells are filled with water, the water lubricates, them, like cartilage and muscle cells. It also keeps cell walls pliable and receptive to nutrient inflow and waste outflow.

These facts point to the crucial nature of proper hydration for a healthy body. It is even more important as we get older as will be explained soon. Every organ in the body depends on water to function properly and efficiently. When we are not hydrated properly, or we are dehydrated, even a little bit, our bodily functions become labored. Over time, our health can become challenging. It is very subtle at first, then symptoms begin to appear.

The US National Research Council has guidelines that suggest that we require one milliliter of water for every calorie we consume. That translates to approximately one half of your body weight in ounces of water consumed daily. Some scientists and medical community advisers claim that amount is too conservative, that we should drink more. For someone who is obese, very overweight or suffering from a chronic disease, they should be drinking 1 quart (32 ounces)of water for every 30 pounds of body weight.

If we look at body functions, there are four obvious ways that the body loses water; defecation, perspiration, respiration and urination. In addition, the body's digestive process uses a huge amount of water which can further dehydrate the body if there are not sufficient water reserves. Efficient digestion is also aided by drinking sufficient water between meals to flush the digestive tract and provide enough water for bodily functions.

Obviously, the quality of the water that we use to remain healthy or regain our health is very important. For most people it means the water should be clean and safe to drink. What most people don't know is that in order to be healthy throughout life the body needs to be as near to a neutral pH as possible and the blood absolutely needs to be between 7.35pH and 7.45pH or we die. That means the fluids in our body need to be reinforced with alkaline, ionized water.

Most of the foods that people eat form acidic ash and waste in the body, so to neutralize it we need to drink alkaline ionized water.

Another component of health that is crucial to us is negative ions. Alkaline, ionized water is full of negatively charged particles which our bodies crave. Without negative ions our bodies decline and age. Eventually our health is eroded and our organs slowly lose their efficient function.

It seems that the "struggle" for health is our attempt to rid our bodies of the positive ions we acquire from our "unnatural" diet and to get enough negative ions into our bodies. Traditionally our Paleolithic ancestors used to eat a predominantly raw food diet supplemented with river and creek water that babbled over the rocks and down waterfalls, thus becoming negatively charged and highly oxygenated.

Sadly our diets have reduced to pulling up to the local drive-through and drinking out of cans and bottles. These habits have created a society of overweight acidic bodies full of positive ions and ill health.

Fortunately the process is simple to reverse. Even if your health is OK now, you should be motivated to remain healthy throughout your life. A few changes to your lifestyle will give you valuable "life insurance."

In the early 20th Century, the Russians discovered that negative ions were very good for human health. They postulated that if they could create negative ions in water that it would create an easier avenue to health. Through experimentation, the first water ionizers were created. The challenge even today is the bonds that water molecules form are weak. Water ionizers break up the large clusters of water into smaller clusters but they do not hold the ionic microcluster structure permanently once they are formed. So the best way to drink alkaline, ionized water is fresh from a machine that creates it. At best, it can be put into a glass bottle and it will hold its charge and microclustering for two days provided the water is filled right to the rim of the bottle. After that, the weak bonds separate and reform into larger cluster molecules and they lose their negative charge.

Even today, Dr. Emoto has shown that water has memory and can be "programmed." The concept of alkaline, ionized water, is more and more becoming a household word as people realize the benefits of drinking this special water.

It is estimated that 75% or more of North Americans are dehydrated enough that it affects their health in a negative way. And, with that dehydration there is an acidic inflamed body. It may be "silent" inflammation now, but it will eventually rise up into the radar range and become pain or symptoms. It doesn't seem to matter that people drink lots of water, it matters more what kind of water they drink.

In a University of Washington study, it was found that many people interpret their thirst as hunger. By giving those in the study a glass of water when they felt hungry, it stopped the hunger pangs in 98% of the people surveyed.

For the average North American, there are one or more toxic chemicals stored in their fatty tissue from drinking treated tap water. That is not even including toxins from the foods we eat, what we put on our skin and hair, what we clean our houses with or environmental pollutants. In the US, 53 million people drink water from municipal water supplies containing potentially dangerous levels of chlorine and fluoride derivatives and by-products, lead, fecal bacteria, fertilizers, pesticides, jet fuels, pharmaceuticals and other impurities associated with cancers and various sorts of metabolic dysfunction and diseases.

I remember a study a few years back where they took hair, blood and urine samples from a famous artist who ate organic, used "natural" products, drank the best water he could find, uses as few chemicals as possible in his art and he wore natural fibers. There were 48 toxic chemicals found in his body. He was really conscious about being a "back to earth" guy and quite shocked at the toxic levels in his body. Alarming, don't you think?

Because most of us are dehydrated by various degrees, our daytime level of fatigue could be directly related to dehydration and our diets. The typical slump seems to be between 3 and 4 pm, where we reach for that sugary snack or the coffee. If we only knew that by drinking two glasses of alkaline, ionized water after lunch, we could feel much better. Water is so important that only a 2% drop in your body's natural water level can bring on mental confusion, short term memory loss, inability to focus and sluggishness in doing simple math calculations, sequenced procedures and interpretive skills.

Also, with regards to your health, recent research shows that 8-10 glasses of alkaline, ionized water per day may significantly reduce pain levels, even in backs and joints for up to 80% of sufferers. Research is also showing that if the average person drank at least 5-16 oz glasses of alkaline, ionized water daily, that is plain alkaline, ionized water, not mixed with anything, their risk of getting breast cancer can be decreased by 79%, colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%.

How does it work? The properties of alkaline, ionized water are unique. Drinking this water provides a quick supply of available oxygen - making the water an "antioxidant." In other word, the water has an extra electron attached making hydroxyl ions which are negatively charged. These hydroxyl ions in the ionized water seek out and neutralize free radicals. This is very important, since free radicals are what damage our cells and bring about disease and premature aging. When the hydroxyl ions, as an antioxidant have neutralized the free radicals, the result is a body that is energized, vitalized and oxygen rich. Alkaline, ionized water helps balance the body's pH by reducing excess cellular and body acidity, helping the body to dissolve and excrete acidic waster products more easily.

The electrolysis process that produces the alkaline, ionized water, not only produces an excess of electrons, it also reduces the cluster size of the molecules from 13 to 14 (which is regular tap water) to 5 to 7. This can happen because of the weak bonds that the water has with molecules around itself. These smaller clusters have a lower molecular weight, making the alkaline, ionized water more easily absorbed by the body. The smaller cluster size is also better able to deliver nutrient to all the cells, tissues and organs and accelerates metabolism as more and more acidic waste is eliminated from the body. So, take your vitamin and mineral supplements with alkaline, ionized water for greater absorption. Conversely, take your medications with neutral water. Normally only about 30% of your medication is absorbed by the body because of our acidic and plugged up condition. Alkaline, ionized water will increase the absorption of your medication and you may get too much.

A normal average North American diet will produce high levels of acidic waste in the body from 97% of what is eaten. We simply don't eat enough alkaline foods, fruits and vegetables. These acids, if they are not neutralized, can cause inflammation and free radicals. They can kill healthy cells by stealing oxygen and damage them by stealing electrons. Alkaline water and food will not only dissolve these harmful acids, but they will help remove them from the body by allowing them to pass safely through the kidneys and bowels and not be stored in our joints, organs, blood vessels and fat cells.

The qualities of high alkalinity, more oxygen and lower molecular weight act as a powerful cellular detoxifier, helping the body maintain or restore its health and should be part of everyone's daily regimen. Research in Japan since the 1950's indicate that most chronic conditions are a result of increased waste, acidity and the resulting impaired body function and immune system.

If you are looking to feel younger, more flexible, vital and alive, or even stay that way, then the answer is clear. Try alkaline, ionized water!

For information on your free 7 day water challenge, contact the author at

Jean Perrins is a holistic health practitioner in White Rock, BC., Canada specializing in serious and chronic illness. One of her websites can be located at
Most of us who have a house dog or cat can tell you that these creatures will ignore their clean dish filled with bottled water, and head straight to the toilet if given half a chance. People are like that, too, though thankfully they seem to be in the minority more and more now that bottled water is so popular in America.

The latest trend in America's love affair with bottled water seems to be a phenomenon called a Water Store, which is catching on quickly all over the country. The first water store was opened by rapper Kanye West and his father Ray. The store is called Good Water, and it was opened in Maryland. Business was so good that they soon opened another one in the Washington, DC area. The premise of Good Water is that of a self-service bottled water store.

There are three different types of water that consist of Good, which is water that has been purified with a carbon filter, and is said to be 85% pure. Better, which is water that has been purified by reverse osmosis, and its purity is said to be like that of most kinds of bottled water. Then, there's Best, which is water that has been purified with the carbon filter, the reverse osmosis filter, and then by way of distillation, and is said to be 99.9% pure. Customers can either bring in their own containers of any sort and fill them with water, or they can purchase containers right there are the store.

Good Water purifies the water themselves, right there on the store's premises. There is a state of the art, regularly inspected distiller that is used on a daily basis... sometimes all day long in order to be able to keep up with the demand for water! The unit used for distillation is located inside a room that was specially designed for it that is of course kept very clean - sanitized even. This water is about as clean as you can get water to be, and since it is purified on site, you know that it is fresh, too.

Good Water also sells various brands of bottled water by the case, as well as their own Good Water brand, but the gem of the store is the fill-your-own-container water. They sell a refillable cup/glass with free refills for life at the time of this writing.

California has several water stores. One is called The Water Lady Water- N- Ice Store, also known informally as Sonya and Company, and located in San Diego. This water is purified by use of reverse osmosis, ozonation, carbon filtration, ultra-violet lighting, and more - 10 stages in all. You can see the filter through a window in the back of the store. The filtration is what the Water Lady calls her "recipe". The laboratory test results for this water are always placed in a prominent place inside the business, so that people can see just what this water is free of that tap water still contains. This water store has been described as "self service". Customers bring their own bottles and containers, and bottle up the water themselves. Water Lady also sells containers of different sizes, from large to small, including some made of glass for safer water storage. You can save some money here by pre-paying for your water, and several free gallons are then added to your account. Of course, since the water works out to be only 35 to 45 cents a gallon, pre-paying would be simply for convenience!

Another California location for a water store is in Santa Cruz. Called All Pure Water, which features vapor compressed, steam distilled water with all organic chemicals removed. It is said that distilled bottled water is the best bottled water a person can use. It supposedly will purify the blood and clean inside the body.

California probably has more water stores per capita than any other state, simply because California has a water shortage. Campbell, California has its Pure Water Stores, Baldwin Park has a Quality Water Mart, Lancaster has Water To Go, Bell Gardens has Agua Water Store, San Bernardino has The Water Connection, and there are many others across the state, too numerous to mention here. Las Vegas, Nevada alone lists 48 different water stores. Water stores are also in Canada and other countries.

Most people, of course, have never heard of a water store, and when you talk about one, nine times out of ten you are met with puzzled frowns. But, the idea is catching on, and it probably won't be too long before every good-sized city has at least one water store. Predictions are that bottled water will be so popular by the year 2012 that it will actually be a bigger seller than soda!

People are thinking more about health than value, and that's a very good sign that businesses like the water stores will do quite well. Even though the tap water they can get at home is virtually free, these educated consumers realize what tap water contains, and much prefer to drink water that they know is pure and clean, with no toxic chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, or heavy metals in it. It seems like bottled water is here to stay!

Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Board of Element H2O. For more information about bottled water, purified drinking water go to the Elementh2o website.
Kevin: Now you have a spring where you spend a lot of your time there's a spring. Tell me a little bit about what you've done to get that water to you and to provide you with the best water that you can get.

David: Okay, well my assumption is is that water is a living thing. It likes certain things and it doesn't like certain things. It likes to move in certain ways and it doesn't like to move in other ways. One of the things we know about what is that when we run the water through too many straight pipes, the water becomes agitated and you hear this when you turn on a faucet and it goes [making noise of faucet messed up]. You know where the whole pipes shake in the wall, that's because water's agitated because it's being forced into an unnatural form. Water likes to meander, it likes to go back and forth like a snake and what we've done, we've taken that understanding and incorporated it into a way that we pull the water our of our spring and bring it to the house. I'm on a spring; I'm not on a well. I'm not on an artesian well. It's just a spring. We have a building on top of that pool but that pool is the spring. It was literally opened up or pushed back with wood about 40 years ago and then a building was put on top of it and then a whole pump system was put in that building to draw the water out. We pull that water out, it goes through a spiral pipes as water likes to spiral, it goes in a line, meanders through the ground, underneath the ground instead of being a straight tube, it's a meandering tube that's about two feet buried under ground that brings it all the way up to the house, comes into the house, goes through another spiral pipe, goes into a cartridge filled with local crystals because water likes silica. Crystals and silica are connected. That's what crystals are made out of. Then it comes through all the different outlets. Let's say it's in the shower or its on the sink in the kitchen and when it comes out we have special faucet heads that have the spiral pattern on them so that when you turn the water on there's never any [making noises of pipes] or the high pressure problems because the water is very calm. It's been spiralized, it's happy, been treated with crystals and it kind of comes out in almost like a spiral pattern. It's absolutely gorgeous. That to me is absolutely one of my favorite things about being at home is just drinking that water.

Kevin: Does spiralizing do anything to it molecular or at a structural level?

David: Yes it does and the evidence is indicating that, for example, if you take a piece of wood and you throw it on a fire, at a molecular level you are changing that wood you're turning it into ash. Well, on the other side of the spectrum, the exact opposite type of phenomenon is when we spiral air, water or any medium and what happens is that through spiral action, let's say it's a tornado. Let's say it's a waterfall. Let's say it's water going down the drain. When you have that spiral motion, certain elements in the water become active and certain elements in the water become passive. For example, if we burn something, oxygen becomes reactive. If you burn a piece of metal you know if you burn a bunch of wood, the pieces of metal in there, the oxygen will oxidize that metal and turn it into a rusty piece of metal. On the opposite end, hydrogen becomes activated when we're dealing with sprializing water and silica becomes activated and the ormose elements or the high energy particle elements become activated but oxygen becomes passive and therefore less aggressive so therefore, when we sprialize water we increase it's antioxidants potential and decrease the free radical potential because we want oxygen to be passive, not reactive.

Kevin: And by increasing the hydrogen, then you increase the antioxidant properties.

David: Right, because hydrogen is the main antioxidant. I mean the word hydrogen. Look at that word, the word hydro, which is water and gen which is generator or water generator. Once we have hydrogen if we have high hydrogen content, automatically the oxygen is attracted to it and we have water droplets. So the idea in our drinking water is we want to have as much hydrogen as we can find naturally. For example, spring water has a huge amount of hydrogen in it and then that hydrogen, especially if it's been vortexed, becomes a super powerful antioxidant. In fact, it's the best antioxidant, because it knocks out free radical oxygen by turning it back into water.

Kevin: What are some of the tools that you're using to spiralize the water?

David: Great question. I use several different tools. One of them is I have pipes in my line. The pipes that bring the water in the house have a spiral inside them so the water is forced into a spiral action which it actually likes. So that's one way. Another way is we have two different devices that will just spin the water in a vortex. So we'll put the water into a pitcher, we'll put the top on it, the top has a little paddle that spins around and it just spins the water just like if you was spinning the water in the pitcher with a spoon. You just spin it and then that will go for three minutes or so and then that vortex is the water.

I've also got the Vitalizer Plus, which does a similar type of thing. The vitalizer plus has magnets in it. That's something I don't really like, because I think it changes the water significantly but probably not for the worse, it's probably for the better but you know, I like my water exactly as it is. But anyway, that device is also a spiralizer. It vitalizes things up by spinning them into a big giant vortex and that's really cool.

What else do I use? Another thing I do is when I'm making a big pot of something - you know we do a lot of the medicinal mushrooms that grow on the trees up here at my house. We make a big pot of tea of that. I will spin it one way for a minute and then spin it the other way for a minute and then spin it one way for a minute and this is an old trick from European folk herbalism that improves the quality of your tea or water for the reasons we've just discussed.

Kevin: I never knew that. That's pretty interesting. A lot of people don't have spring water, but I don't want to move away from that right away. The people who haven't experienced true spring water, how can someone go out and find true natural springs? What are you looking for? How do you know it's natural and not just a cesspool? What are you looking for?

David: For everybody listening right now, one of my goals for even speaking is that you do that. That you go out. That's one of my goals for you, that you go out and you find springs. What you're going to do is you're going to talk to locals. You're just going to find out where the springs are. Now, they're always up in the mountains usually and therefore, you're going to see if you can find a place where you can kind of drive up there and fill up your bottles right there at the spring.

Spring water is located up at the top of the mountains for reasons that are probably too complex for me to get into right now but they do come up in the tops of mountains and thus violate everything in physics that we've been taught which is how come the water doesn't come at the bottom of the mountain, how come it's coming up at the top of the mountain.

How can the water actually be levitating up to the top of the hill and coming out there? That doesn't make sense? Doesn't gravity push everything down and how can water be coming up at the higher elevations rather than at the lower elevation? This is one of the great mysteries of water and its one of the reasons why you do want to have spring water because spring water is literally, not just imaginatively, but literally levitated and therefore, adds buoyancy and it brings that juice back into your joints which is a really critical part of nutrition and silica in the high energy particles are the reasons why that happens.

Kevin: When you're looking for springs - I know plenty of people who are hiking and they bring their iodine tablets and they drop it into the water, what's the difference between water from a spring or water from a stream if you're hiking like that? Do you need iodine or anything like that?

David: That's a great question. First of all, spring water, the type that you're looking for is the spring water that's very cold. That would be, for example, colder than 50 degrees. It's actually colder than the ground which is completely impossible according to normal physics because the water is coming out of the ground, the temperature coming out of the ground is usually around 58 degrees but the spring water is 45 degrees. That's a real strong indicator. If you have real cold water coming out of the ground somewhere then that's the water you want to drink. You'll notice if you test it that that water is bacteria free. Stream water may have bacteria in it because there might be goats pooping in it. You just never know. You've got to be a little bit careful of that especially if you're immune system is not acclimated to drinking wild creek and stream water, probably it's a good idea to put a little oxygen in the water or put a little bit of iodine in the water or something. Cayenne pepper is what I've used before and cinnamon. It's very good at killing the most all organisms that contaminate water and that's what I use when I hike. From there you can drink the water.

Kevin: I imagine you use that when you travel as well?

David: Yeah, I travel with those things. They're exceptionally important for water purification and also just keeping the system clean.

Kevin Gianni the host of "Renegade Health Show" - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. You can find out more about the best water filters, water systems and how to get clean, pure drinking water at Renegade Water Secrets. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution"
Kevin: Now you have a spring where you spend a lot of your time there's a spring. Tell me a little bit about what you've done to get that water to you and to provide you with the best water that you can get.

David: Okay, well my assumption is is that water is a living thing. It likes certain things and it doesn't like certain things. It likes to move in certain ways and it doesn't like to move in other ways. One of the things we know about what is that when we run the water through too many straight pipes, the water becomes agitated and you hear this when you turn on a faucet and it goes [making noise of faucet messed up]. You know where the whole pipes shake in the wall, that's because water's agitated because it's being forced into an unnatural form. Water likes to meander, it likes to go back and forth like a snake and what we've done, we've taken that understanding and incorporated it into a way that we pull the water our of our spring and bring it to the house. I'm on a spring; I'm not on a well. I'm not on an artesian well. It's just a spring. We have a building on top of that pool but that pool is the spring. It was literally opened up or pushed back with wood about 40 years ago and then a building was put on top of it and then a whole pump system was put in that building to draw the water out. We pull that water out, it goes through a spiral pipes as water likes to spiral, it goes in a line, meanders through the ground, underneath the ground instead of being a straight tube, it's a meandering tube that's about two feet buried under ground that brings it all the way up to the house, comes into the house, goes through another spiral pipe, goes into a cartridge filled with local crystals because water likes silica. Crystals and silica are connected. That's what crystals are made out of. Then it comes through all the different outlets. Let's say it's in the shower or its on the sink in the kitchen and when it comes out we have special faucet heads that have the spiral pattern on them so that when you turn the water on there's never any [making noises of pipes] or the high pressure problems because the water is very calm. It's been spiralized, it's happy, been treated with crystals and it kind of comes out in almost like a spiral pattern. It's absolutely gorgeous. That to me is absolutely one of my favorite things about being at home is just drinking that water.

Kevin: Does spiralizing do anything to it molecular or at a structural level?

David: Yes it does and the evidence is indicating that, for example, if you take a piece of wood and you throw it on a fire, at a molecular level you are changing that wood you're turning it into ash. Well, on the other side of the spectrum, the exact opposite type of phenomenon is when we spiral air, water or any medium and what happens is that through spiral action, let's say it's a tornado. Let's say it's a waterfall. Let's say it's water going down the drain. When you have that spiral motion, certain elements in the water become active and certain elements in the water become passive. For example, if we burn something, oxygen becomes reactive. If you burn a piece of metal you know if you burn a bunch of wood, the pieces of metal in there, the oxygen will oxidize that metal and turn it into a rusty piece of metal. On the opposite end, hydrogen becomes activated when we're dealing with sprializing water and silica becomes activated and the ormose elements or the high energy particle elements become activated but oxygen becomes passive and therefore less aggressive so therefore, when we sprialize water we increase it's antioxidants potential and decrease the free radical potential because we want oxygen to be passive, not reactive.

Kevin: And by increasing the hydrogen, then you increase the antioxidant properties.

David: Right, because hydrogen is the main antioxidant. I mean the word hydrogen. Look at that word, the word hydro, which is water and gen which is generator or water generator. Once we have hydrogen if we have high hydrogen content, automatically the oxygen is attracted to it and we have water droplets. So the idea in our drinking water is we want to have as much hydrogen as we can find naturally. For example, spring water has a huge amount of hydrogen in it and then that hydrogen, especially if it's been vortexed, becomes a super powerful antioxidant. In fact, it's the best antioxidant, because it knocks out free radical oxygen by turning it back into water.

Kevin: What are some of the tools that you're using to spiralize the water?

David: Great question. I use several different tools. One of them is I have pipes in my line. The pipes that bring the water in the house have a spiral inside them so the water is forced into a spiral action which it actually likes. So that's one way. Another way is we have two different devices that will just spin the water in a vortex. So we'll put the water into a pitcher, we'll put the top on it, the top has a little paddle that spins around and it just spins the water just like if you was spinning the water in the pitcher with a spoon. You just spin it and then that will go for three minutes or so and then that vortex is the water.

I've also got the Vitalizer Plus, which does a similar type of thing. The vitalizer plus has magnets in it. That's something I don't really like, because I think it changes the water significantly but probably not for the worse, it's probably for the better but you know, I like my water exactly as it is. But anyway, that device is also a spiralizer. It vitalizes things up by spinning them into a big giant vortex and that's really cool.

What else do I use? Another thing I do is when I'm making a big pot of something - you know we do a lot of the medicinal mushrooms that grow on the trees up here at my house. We make a big pot of tea of that. I will spin it one way for a minute and then spin it the other way for a minute and then spin it one way for a minute and this is an old trick from European folk herbalism that improves the quality of your tea or water for the reasons we've just discussed.

Kevin: I never knew that. That's pretty interesting. A lot of people don't have spring water, but I don't want to move away from that right away. The people who haven't experienced true spring water, how can someone go out and find true natural springs? What are you looking for? How do you know it's natural and not just a cesspool? What are you looking for?

David: For everybody listening right now, one of my goals for even speaking is that you do that. That you go out. That's one of my goals for you, that you go out and you find springs. What you're going to do is you're going to talk to locals. You're just going to find out where the springs are. Now, they're always up in the mountains usually and therefore, you're going to see if you can find a place where you can kind of drive up there and fill up your bottles right there at the spring.

Spring water is located up at the top of the mountains for reasons that are probably too complex for me to get into right now but they do come up in the tops of mountains and thus violate everything in physics that we've been taught which is how come the water doesn't come at the bottom of the mountain, how come it's coming up at the top of the mountain.

How can the water actually be levitating up to the top of the hill and coming out there? That doesn't make sense? Doesn't gravity push everything down and how can water be coming up at the higher elevations rather than at the lower elevation? This is one of the great mysteries of water and its one of the reasons why you do want to have spring water because spring water is literally, not just imaginatively, but literally levitated and therefore, adds buoyancy and it brings that juice back into your joints which is a really critical part of nutrition and silica in the high energy particles are the reasons why that happens.

Kevin: When you're looking for springs - I know plenty of people who are hiking and they bring their iodine tablets and they drop it into the water, what's the difference between water from a spring or water from a stream if you're hiking like that? Do you need iodine or anything like that?

David: That's a great question. First of all, spring water, the type that you're looking for is the spring water that's very cold. That would be, for example, colder than 50 degrees. It's actually colder than the ground which is completely impossible according to normal physics because the water is coming out of the ground, the temperature coming out of the ground is usually around 58 degrees but the spring water is 45 degrees. That's a real strong indicator. If you have real cold water coming out of the ground somewhere then that's the water you want to drink. You'll notice if you test it that that water is bacteria free. Stream water may have bacteria in it because there might be goats pooping in it. You just never know. You've got to be a little bit careful of that especially if you're immune system is not acclimated to drinking wild creek and stream water, probably it's a good idea to put a little oxygen in the water or put a little bit of iodine in the water or something. Cayenne pepper is what I've used before and cinnamon. It's very good at killing the most all organisms that contaminate water and that's what I use when I hike. From there you can drink the water.

Kevin: I imagine you use that when you travel as well?

David: Yeah, I travel with those things. They're exceptionally important for water purification and also just keeping the system clean.

Kevin Gianni the host of "Renegade Health Show" - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. You can find out more about the best water filters, water systems and how to get clean, pure drinking water at Renegade Water Secrets. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution"
In this article, David Wolfe shares on the importance of water. David Wolfe is the author of the new book Amazing Grace and Eating for Beauty and many others.

Kevin: Well, David, I want to welcome you to this call. I'm excited to talk about what we're going to talk about today.

David: Thanks so much Kevin. It's going to be great. I think the subject matter at hand is probably the most critical of any health information out there.

Kevin: I'm excited about that. For those people who don't know who you are, why don't we just start and tell a little bit about how you got to where you are now and then we'll get into talking about water which is the subject of this conversation.

David: Well, a little bit of background. I was born originally on the East coast in New Jersey. Both my parents are medical doctors. I grew up inside the standard medical environment, mostly in my dad's office actually. I've seen that from the inside out that when I was a very young kid, maybe seven years old, we went to California, it was the first time I ate fruit off a tree. I think I became kind of a nature boy from that point on. Eventually when I got out of college I was looking for something to do and I had been doing raw food and developing kind of a diet program as a hobby on the side. Then gradually that became more and more of what I was doing as a career. I stepped out of the legal profession which is where I was headed and the engineering profession, which I was also headed in that direction too and actually into paten law which combines law and engineering. I got into nutrition fulltime and I've been doing that for about 14 or 15 years.

Kevin: That's great. Tonight we want to talk about water and there are so many places to start. Why don't we just start with the basis of why nutritionally we need water?

David: Water is the basis of all life. Ultimately there is no fire inside any living organism anywhere so if we look at what is going on in each cell we really see that each cell is a water bag. If we look at every cell in our body, in every plant, in every single living thing, it's just little water bags of little nutrients. Water is a primary substance of all life. We've hear he word hydration before. We know that hydration is critical to being healthy. We found out through Dr. Batmanghelidj's book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, that most people's hunger pains are actually just thirst pains and if we can get each one of those little water bag hydrated then we're going to feel a whole lot better and we're going to detoxify a whole lot faster.

Kevin: What is the ideal level of hydration? I've heard so many different numbers, 90%, 60%, anywhere between there. What do you think is the ideal level?

David: You hear these numbers thrown around. The human body is 60% water, the human body is 80% water, the human brain is 93% water. I don't know how much any of that is true. We're basically water, secondarily fats and oil and it's probably an 80/20 thing. We're mostly water. 80% to 20% are fats and oils, proteins and other things on down the line but the key thing is how you're feeling about your own hydration. I really feel like I have done too much water at times. Literally drank myself until I was dehydrated and I've drank too little water as most of us have done. We've got to know the balance in between and that's something that we're going to work on here in this recording.

Kevin: Great, maybe this kind of leads into the next question, what is the goal when it comes to water? What are we looking for in terms of the benefits of health with water? It's more than just hydration, right?

David: That's right. In a world today with plastic bottles and all kinds of plastic everything, we've got to be aware that there are binders in plastic that are toxic to the human organism that actually are implicated in cancer, especially breast cancer and can interfere with hormone or hormone disrupters and therefore probably as a good beginning as we want to either get on to well water and then filter it down right in our own home, right in the line where it's coming in or if we're on municipal water, we want to take that water and do the best we can to purify it so that it doesn't carry any contaminates in it and its either renewed or we get water delivered to us in glass, if possible or non-out gassing plastics. These are options.. Having said all that, part of the way to actually make that water hydrate you is to realize that we're not really spring water on the inside.. Like the water bags which we call ourselves consists of water and salt. Therefore, we're more like an ocean on the inside and we may want to consider adding a pinch or two per gallon, maybe even more of sea salt to drinking water in order to maintain balance hydration.

Kevin: Now, I've heard that the mineral composition in our blood is very similar to ocean water. Is that true or is it chlorophyll?

David: That's what I've heard and here's how it relates. Ocean water is, from a mineral prospective, identical to chlorophyll which is identical to hemoglobin or our blood. So those three substances chlorophyll our blood and ocean water are identical with one exception and that is in ocean water the amount of sodium is drastically higher. In chlorophyll the amount of magnesium is drastically higher and in human blood the amount of iron is drastically higher. Other than that, all the other mineral ratios should be about the same.

Kevin: That's pretty incredible that there are similarities across the board.

David: I find it fascinating. When I look at the herbs, I look at the herbs as a giant water bag. It's like a giant cell and that cell is mostly salty because most of the oceans are filled with salt. Therefore, when we look at our own organism we have to consider that we salty ocean on the inside and therefore some salt with our water may be what's required in order to keep us hydrated.

Kevin: Salt in water can also help with regular bowl function, correct?

David: That's right. Dr. Norman Walker and Dr. Bernard Jensen, both of them spent about 60 to 65 years on that particular subject. That is determining exactly what kinds of minerals are used in the digestive process and keeps our digestive organs healthy, meaning our stomach, small intestine and large intestine or colon and what they found out is that the small intestine and the large intestine require mineral salt in order to retain moisture in those environments to stop constipation and to allow bowel movements to occur regularly and for detoxification to happen smoothly.

Kevin: With the minerals in water and there are so many different types of water: distilled, spring, all these different types, it sometimes gets so confusing. What are some of the minerals besides salt that we're looking for to get a full spectrum water?

David: That's a rare and great question. One of the minerals of course is silica. Silica is what gives water kind of a creamy smoothness. You'll see silica in spring waters in the way that the water kind of enrolls on itself and when it becomes very hyper organized and really just gets that almost mystical appearance especially when its very cold, when you actually tap that kind of water you discover that its silica content is high and if you want to know more about silica well you can just study crystals because crystals are made of silica.

Kevin: What are some of the nutritional benefits of silica?

David: Silica is extremely important for bone growth. We know that when we're young we have a high silica content of our body and tissues. When we're old, we have a low silica content. We know that silica nutrition is important for anti aging. In addition to that, silica wraps itself around or actually contains other minerals and those minerals are what we call high energy partials that are also found in water. Those are the minerals that respond to our consciousness. What that means is that we know that if we bless water it improves the water. We know that if we put intention into our water that it changes the structure of the water.. We know this from Dr. Masaru Emoto's work and much metaphysical work before. There's something in the water that's responding and it appears to be high energy particles that are held into the water by silica. That's where we are with the signs from all this and these high energy particles are often and mostly misidentified where mainstream science is right now, but not where cutting edge time.

Kevin: Really and what is that being identified as?

David: Well, mostly these high energy particles resist the cut burn poison chemical theory of science. That's how we test for everything, we cut it, we burn it, we poison it and then we analyze it and that theory causes certain types of matter to be left out of the equations. For example, if you put certain types of high energy particles through that theory, what you'll end up out on the other side is what is called carbon so it will be misidentified as carbon when in fact it was never carbon. It just appears to be carbon because it's black to spectrum emission and absorption so it appears to be black like charcoal but in fact is not actually carbon. That's probably the best way to describe it. These minerals can also be misunderstood or misidentified as iron, aluminum and in fact silica as well.

Kevin: So the water actually can be living?

David: Well, water is a living thing. That's what makes the whole earth alive. Every single organism exists, in my perception, as a vehicle for the ennoblement of water into consciousness.

Kevin: Say that again.

David: Every organism exists as a vehicle for the ennoblement of water into consciousness. Let's say you go and you drink water from the spring. You brought that water into your organism. If in fact your body is a wholly temple, then what you've done is you've brought the water in and nobled that water and made it part of your consciousness. That to me is really the fundamental understanding about water that changes it from something about; I've just got to drink this to be hydrated into more of the spiritual side of what water is about and what our role here is on the planet as storers of water instead of just drinkers of water.

Kevin Gianni the host of "Renegade Health Show" - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. You can find out more about the best water filters, water systems and how to get clean, pure drinking water at Renegade Water Secrets. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution"
There are a number of water purification systems on the market. Do you need one? And how do you go about choosing the right one for you and your family?

These are two important questions you'll want answered before you spend your money on the wrong thing.

Let's take the first question, first.

Why You Need a Water Purification System!

Unless you've been living on some other planet, I'm sure you've been reading about the information that's come out recently about the lack of quality of our municipal water supplies.

Over 90% of U. S. water systems contain traces of at least 10 synthetic chemicals and lead. A report done recently by Ralph Nader stated, "after reviewing over 10,000 pages of EPA documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act...[it was found that] over 2,300 chemicals that can cause cancer have been detected in U. S. tap water."

A number of scientists believe that this rise in carcinogenic chemicals found in our water supply correlated with the rise in cancers over the past fifty to one hundred years.

A big part of the problem is the age of our water treatment plants, and the technology they use.

Most water treatment plants in the United States are fifty to one hundred years old. Some even older!

They were designed to purify our water of things like cholera, not high-tech pesticides.

Most of our water is purified by letting the water settle through sediment to get out the particulate matter, then it's sterilized by injecting an amount of chlorine in the water.

The chlorine kills any bacteria that can cause disease. The chlorine is, however, actually left in the water after it leaves the treatment facility. This is done because the transit time from the treatment plant to your house could be as long as a week or more. In that time, your water could become re-contaminated.

The problem here is you actually drink the trace amounts of chlorine when you drink tap water. That's certainly better than getting sick with cholera, but there has to be a better way!

You're right, there is!

Now, before you run off thinking that bottled water is going to save you from drinking all of these contaminants and toxins, think again!

Unfortunately, most bottled water comes straight out of a tap, just like your water. As a matter of fact, there are fewer restrictions on the quality of bottled water than there are on the quality of tap water!

The bottom line: you need to re-filter your water at the tap before you drink it.

How to Choose the Right Water Purification System

There are a number of water purification systems out there. Some work better than others. Oddly enough, some work too well!

There are also whole house filters, filters you attach to one faucet, and water pitchers that filter water. Which one should you use?

Most pitcher filters use a water filtration system that's too simple. They just can't get out all the stuff you need filtered out!

If you're just interested in filtering the water you drink or cook with, then you might want to consider filtering the water from just one tap. Drinking water, however, is not the only way you get water-born impurities into your body!

Your skin is actually your body's largest organ! We don't usually think of our skin as an organ, like the liver, but it is!

We both discharge and absorb toxins through our skin. When you take a shower, for instance, the hot water opens up your pores allowing impurities in your water to seep in.

To sum up, you might want to really consider filtering all of the water in your house, either with a whole house filter, or with a filter for each tap and for each shower head.

Some of the technologies used in water filters are granular activated carbon filters, metallic alloy filters, microporous ceramic filters, carbon block resin filters, and ultra-thin membranes.

The best water filters on the market use a combination of these technologies to filter and purify your water.

One thing you need your filter to do is to leave in the trace minerals naturally found in water so that it tastes good and so that we get these minerals into our bodies. Minerals like calcium are necessary to our health, and drinking water with trace amounts of calcium in it is one of the ways our bodies acquire that mineral.

There are a number of water purification systems to choose from. What you need now is an informative website you can use to further educate yourself.

These are two important questions you'll want answered before you spend your money on the wrong thing.

Let's take the first question, first.

Why You Need a Water Purification System!

Unless you've been living on some other planet, I'm sure you've been reading about the information that's come out recently about the lack of quality of our municipal water supplies.

Over 90% of U. S. water systems contain traces of at least 10 synthetic chemicals and lead. A report done recently by Ralph Nader stated, "after reviewing over 10,000 pages of EPA documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act...[it was found that] over 2,300 chemicals that can cause cancer have been detected in U. S. tap water."

A number of scientists believe that this rise in carcinogenic chemicals found in our water supply is correlated with the rise in cancers over the past fifty to one hundred years.

A big part of the problem is the age of our water treatment plants, and the technology they use.

Most water treatment plants in the United States are fifty to one hundred years old. Some even older!

They were designed to purify our water of things like cholera, not high-tech pesticides.

Most of our water is purified by letting the water settle through sediment to get out the particulate matter, then it's sterilized by injecting an amount of chlorine in the water.

The chlorine kills any bacteria that can cause disease. The chlorine is, however, actually left in the water after it leaves the treatment facility. This is done because the transit time from the treatment plant to your house could be as long as a week or more. In that time, your water could become re-contaminated.

The problem here is you actually drink the trace amounts of chlorine when you drink tap water. That's certainly better than getting sick with cholera, but there has to be a better way!

You're right, there is!

Now, before you run off thinking that bottled water is going to save you from drinking all of these contaminants and toxins, think again!

Unfortunately, most bottled water comes straight out of a tap, just like your water. As a matter of fact, there are fewer restrictions on the quality of bottled water than there are on the quality of tap water!

The bottom line: you need to re-filter your water at the tap before you drink it.

How to Choose the Right Water Purification System

There are a number of water purification systems out there. Some work better than others. Oddly enough, some work too well!

There are also whole house filters, filters you attach to one faucet, and water pitchers that filter water. Which one should you use?

Most pitcher filters use a water filtration system that's too simple. They just can't get out all the stuff you need filtered out!

If you're just interested in filtering the water you drink or cook with, then you might want to consider filtering the water from just one tap. Drinking water, however, is not the only way you get water-born impurities into your body!

Your skin is actually your body's largest organ! We don't usually think of our skin as an organ, like the liver, but it is!

We both discharge and absorb toxins through our skin. When you take a shower, for instance, the hot water opens up your pores allowing impurities in your water to seep in.

To sum up, you might want to really consider filtering all of the water in your house, either with a whole house filter, or with a filter for each tap and for each shower head.

Some of the technologies used in water filters are granular activated carbon filters, metallic alloy filters, microporous ceramic filters, carbon block resin filters, and ultra-thin membranes.

The best water filters on the market use a combination of these technologies to filter and purify your water.

One thing you need your filter to do is to leave in the trace minerals naturally found in water so that it tastes good and so that we get these minerals into our bodies. Minerals like calcium are necessary to our health, and drinking water with trace amounts of calcium in it is one of the ways our bodies acquire that mineral.

There are a number of water purification systems to choose from. What you need now is an informative website you can use to further educate yourself.

To learn more about water purification systems visit my website!
Bottled water is everywhere these days and has become a multibillion dollar business. You can't escape their presence anywhere, whether at a grocery store, convenience store, the beach, work place, home, etc, bottled water is there. The overall success that the bottled water industry has experienced, and the enormous profits from the sale of its water to the general public can probably be attributed to two factors. They provide convenience, and give the perception that drinking bottled water is much healthier. Nevertheless, you really have to look past the enticing pretty little label on the front of the bottle or 5 gallon water jug, and ask the question, is bottled water more beneficial to my health? Are there other sources of water that is better for my health? What is the cost of bottled water to the environment?

Each and every hour Americans discard an alarming 1.5 million plastic water bottles, which if they aren't recycled properly end up in a landfill somewhere for the next 100 years. This figure applies only as long as they are discarded properly. I often have the pleasure of seeing plastic water bottles on the side of many sidewalks, streets, and highways where they have been casually tossed by the previous owner; I guess that is another convenience for some bottled water drinkers. Then of course located in offices and homes around the country are water dispensers/coolers with the 3 or 5 gallon water jugs on top of them. The people using these have to take delivery of the jugs, store the jugs, lift the jugs, and replace the jugs each time one runs out.

A Few Little Known Facts

The bottled water you drink is considered by the Federal Government to be a food. This means that according to federal guidelines bottled water falls under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.). However, tap water falls under the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) which has much stricter guidelines regarding water purity and contaminant levels than the F.D.A. The E.P.A. requires that water plants provide the public with reports on the water source, testing conducted, and contaminant levels (violations) if any are found. The bottled water industry does not have to adhere to these standards. You may find, depending on the particular brand of bottled water you drink, that your tap water is actually cleaner. Not to mention that many bottled water companies are misleading consumers by selling reconstituted tap water; not the refreshing spring water like the label would suggest.

Your local municipal water source is also required to test several times per day for microbiological impurities in the water. Bottled water companies are only required to test for this once a week. Local tap water also has to be tested much more often for chemicals than is required for bottled water companies. We then throw in the fact that the F.D.A. does not necessarily require (by way of loopholes) the same standards for bottled water from state-to-state. The numerous problems associated with bottled water and regulation of its quality should become self-evident.

Does All This Let Tap Water Off-the-Hook?

Unfortunately, tap water doesn't get off either. A National assessment of tap water quality conducted by the Environmental Working Group, dated December 20, 2005, concluded the following in their summary. "Tap water in 42 states is contaminated with more than 140 unregulated chemicals that lack safety standards, according to the Environmental Working Group's (EWG's) two-and-a-half year investigation of water suppliers' tests of the treated tap water served to communities across the country."

Recently, in Montgomery County, Maryland an estimated 440,000 households were without tap water due to a major main break that took eight hours to locate because it was in a wooded area. This left many residents and businesses without water for days. Some businesses were shut down altogether until this problem was resolved. Initially, the resident's who finally got their water flowing again were strenuously encouraged to boil the water before drinking it because of the tremendous concern by local authorities over impurities and contaminants that may still be present in the water.

In the national news you can see impending threats, or occurrences of problems to municipal tap water sources by way of natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc, almost every week. In addition, the same radical cowardly groups that caused 9/11, could also turn their eyes to our nations fresh water supply as a way to create terror, and wide spread panic by successfully or unsuccessfully attempting to release biological or chemical agents into our water.

States all over the nation are vying for water resources, and many of them have fresh water resources that are dwindling. Some states that are otherwise friendly neighbors are locked in disputes now over water rights. If you go to the New York Times and look up an article by Andrew C. Revkin entitled "New Climate Report Forsees Big Changes," the problem only appears to be getting worse for the United States, and the rest of the world.

The cost of municipal tap water appears to be on the rise as well. Just do a comparison of your water bill today vs. your water bill 3 years ago and I am sure you will see a noticeable increase.

Technology and Innovation to the Rescue!

The world is in desperate need of a viable realistic alternative to the increasing demand for safe, clean drinking water. The Earth's surface is 75% water, but only 2.5% is a fresh water resource, or usable by mankind. Three quarters of the 2.5% available is frozen in glaciers. That leaves about .625% available for use by mankind. From that small amount left over for use by mankind, and other living organisms, 70% is used world wide for agriculture, and another 15% for industrial use.

Science and technology have come to the rescue. There is now available a revolutionary patented technology that will change all of this. It was developed by a company who's insight, innovation, and desire to help mankind drove them to provide a more sustainable, more environmentally friendly source of water. I have spoken to many people over the past several weeks about the technology, and most of them are completely unfamiliar with it. Innovation now allows us to create pure drinking water from air by way of an atmospheric water generator.

At any given time there is approximately 3.1 quadrillion gallons of water in Earth's atmosphere. The hydrological cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation) manufactures billions of gallons of water recycling in the atmosphere everyday, making this supply almost limitless and accessible in most parts of the world.

They have created an atmospheric water generating unit on the market today that extracts the water through a sophisticated condensation process and sends it through a series of state-of-science purifiers. The unprecedented technology removes all inorganic materials, undesirable odors and tastes, particulate matter smaller than .01 microns, and all forms of bacteria, metals, minerals, viruses and other elements that might pose any kind of health risk. The unit also serves to both dehumidify the air, and purify the air it uses to create water. This is a remarkable technology that is destined to become the future of water, and will ensure accessibility to clean safe drinking water for millions in the United States and world wide.

International Water From Air L.L.C is committed to providing the general public with up-to-date useful information that will assist in helping them to make intelligent and informed decisions regarding drinking water and living a healthier lifestyle.